Friday, June 12, 2009

Reseach skills: terms to know

Term to know: [2]

The term method usually refers to a means or a procedure for accomplishing something and the meaning of the term methodology is the principles and assumptions that underlie a set of methods, which is often understood loosely as a set of methods. Another term, research approach is a combination of defined set of methods and techniques chosen for a research. It is also a conceptual and theoretical framework to define language of research and how analysis are made. It is also found out that methods(techniques, procedures, or tools of inquiry) without the methodology(principles and foundations of methods) is not important.
the scientific method is just a broad set of principles, not an actual method of inquiry. The scientific method does not help with issues such as what to measure, how to measure it, or the validity and reliability of measurements.

where do computer scientists learn their research skills?
It is seen that computer scientists usually learn their research skills from: the apprentice relationship with the professor while doing PhD work (called background mentoring) and from examining writings of prior successful researcher (called patterning). [1] . This is regarded as as exemplar, which are actually sets of solutions used as models or examples. But this kind of knowledge cannot give methodological knowledge about choosing and using methods and techniques. The qualities of developed theories, techniques, or products must be determined in some established and unbiased manner.
[1]: Glass, Robert L. (1995). A structure-based critique of contemporary computing research. Journal of Systems and Software, 28(1):3–7.

[2]Tedre M., Thinking About Computing (Lecture Notes, 2009. ), unpublished,

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