Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Filezilla - pause and continue

Have been using Filezilla for so long, but one feature I was missing was to pause and resume upload feature. It was not missing but with just different name "Process Queue"

You can find this feature in the Transfer menu (in mac version):

To Pause: During the transfer, go to "Transfer" menu and uncheck "Process Queue"
To Resume: Go to "Transfer" menu and check the "Process Queue"

As I understood, this "resume" feature should work even after you quit Filezilla after the "pause" and later open the application.

Have you tried this feature before? Hopefully someone else find this useful as well.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Mac's application (un)installation issue : APP DOES NOT WORK

There are situations when I have some application which was running completely fine and one just fine morning, it just doesn't work, for some reason. Sometimes the configuration file is corrupted, port misconfiguration, installation files corrupted and a list can go on.In any case, you try to make it work by changing settings, installing-uninstalling, restarting but still IT DOES NOT WORK. Recently I had this situation with one SIP app which I have been using for long and even though it had its glitches it worked after a while but not this time.

I tried all solution searching from different forums but nothing. The solution came only after a "complete and clean uninstall". If you didn't know what it is, don't blame yourself. Many of us, as being mac users, we fancy going to application folder and removing an application by CMD + DEL; and most of the time it works. But some applications do have special files and service files that do not get removed with simple removal of an application file. Sometimes cleaners, like what I use CCleaners, are good in finding residual files but not always. Anyways, there are several clean uninstallers out there, but for me this free "AppCleaner" did its task.

  • After installation from App-store and allowing permission to Application folder on my mac, it listed all the application installed. 
  • I clicked on the application which was having a trouble, it listed all folders and files related to selected application. 
  • I selected all files and press "Remove selected files" button. 
  • Then I went to "Applications" folder in  finder and remove the app with usual CMD+DEL (You can also remove the main application from pro-version of AppCleaner. )
  • The after secure empty trash, I restart the computer.
  • Then I reinstall my app, and it just started to work as it was before. 

System: OS X Yosemite, 10.10.5, MacBook Pro

Did this tip helped you in anyways? Do you have any other tips or similar application configuration solution, please leave it in comments below.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

PhoneGap App connect error

I hope this solves some of your problem too. If your PhoneGap app says that "Server is running" with given IP Address and port, chances are that the app is serving the files through it server well.

 I didn't need internet in my mobile device so I was working offline. However, my device when I try to connect through Phonegap Developer app in mobile device gives: "Error" .... "Time Out" message. Obviously some problem with connection? 

I connect back to mobile internet in device, but no, the problem still persists. Then I connect to my wifi network, and Problem Solved! Yes, I realised that the way it works is like a intranet. The reasons this happened was my computer and device were not in the same network, this does not have to be related to internet but just same network so that the IP address that Developer app is serving the files can be reached by device. Like simple server/client system, thats is only possible if they are in same network. Hopefully this solves few minutes of your wondering and pondering